
Girls can't be what they can't see.

girledworld summit + WORKSHOP TESTIMONIALS

"I think it's so important for girls these days to see women in leadership and women in power really owning what they do, and creating the new world that they'll see in the future.Well done for putting on a tremendous event. I wish that I had an event like this to go to when I was your age. The possibilities for you all are immense, and will shape your career paths. "
- EVA ROSS, APAC Manager, Airbnb

"I feel so inspired just seeing these people do what they do and being their strongest sense of self, it's like a permission slip for you to do that."
- STUDENT, MacRobertson Girls School

"girledworld has all these incredible female leaders and it's been great listening to them talk about their experiences - you just learn so much because it inspires you to be like them, and suddenly you're not alone anymore in wanting to do these things because people have gone out and done it before you."
- STUDENT, Ruyton Girls School

"I just felt really motivated and during lunchtime we were talking about which business ideas we could start at home and work on through the holidays!"
- STUDENT, Melbourne

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this weekend's Summit! I had a blast sharing my goal setting experiences and tips with the audience, and getting to know some of the other speakers and event producers. Thanks for sharing your vision and inspiration with us all! Congrats on a massively successful weekend!"

"This event really changed my relationship with my daughter. One of the best things she learned at the Summit was to start documenting her observations through the day in a journal, and now that she is doing this she is really noticing more about herself, and about the world around her. As a result, she and I now have more meaningful conversations about how she can shape her own future."
- PAUL NAPTHALI, Managing Partner, Rampersand

"This Summit brought together all these incredible women and role models and inspiring humans with young girls who are just getting sparked with their curiousity for STEM and leadership and entrepreneurship and all of these exciting things they can be doing both now, and into their career futures!"
- Jess Vovers, STEM PhD University of Melbourne, Women In Stem Engineering, Science Gallery Melbourne 

"Girls - the world doesn't always have your best interests at heart. But it's moments like these and events like these that give me so much hope. I wish that I was sitting in your seat when I was your age, because if I did I probably wouldn't have gone through what I did to try and work out who I was and how I was going to navigate my path in the world. 

I hope that you go away from this extraordinary experience and give yourself permission to say no, find your tribe, and find those people who will encourage you, back you, and support you to stand for what you stand for."
- LAURA PINTUR, Foundation for Young Australians, What's Normal, Victorian Young Achiever Of The Year 2017

"Girledworld is really important because it helps nurture that innovation and love for learning in these young women, and it gives them the belief that they can do anything with their lives and also lots of things with their lives, as long as they cultivate their mindset and work on their skillsets early."
- Kirsty Costa, Award-Winning Educator, Cool Australia Education

I would have loved to have seen this sort of information and these sorts of role models when I was at school. It's something that completely changes your trajectory."

This proves to our young women that there is a future for them, that they are being supported, and it makes it clear to them that there is a pathway, and it should be natural for them to play with computers, explore robotics and augmented and mixed realities, and consider careers in STEM. We need to make sure we continue to support conferences like girledworld to ensure our young women can see they have their own female role models."
- HON. PHILIP DALIDAKIS, Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, Victorian State Government

"You're not just making things up for the first time. Role models allow you to see someone else who's been able to make something amazing happen, they've laid the groundwork for you, and only then can you see that it's possible to do that thing you've been dreaming of!"
- Sarah Moran, Girl Geek Academy

"Role models are so important, especially for young girls. They open our eyes to possibilities and potential futures that we otherwise didn't think were possible."
- GEORGIA McDONALD, General Manager, Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship, University of Melbourne

"It's important for young women to know that there are women out there achieving in their careers, whether as business leaders, in STEM, or in public life, and YOUNG WOMEN need to know there is a path there for them, TOO."

"When you nurture the woman you nurture the village, and it's so important for us as women to come toogether and nurture each other to create those spaces for innovation and creativity and for all those things we've been silent about for so long . girledworld gives girls stories and community and context and allows them to see what life can be, and not what life has been."
- MARIAM ISSA, Refugee Advocate, Founder RAW Garden / Space2B

"We travelled down to Melbourne from Albury and it was well worth the trip and more! What a fantastic, jam-packed event - truly inspiring - with lots and lots of information to help girls plan for the future, whatever that may be for Issy! We both got so much from the Summit."

"If you don't have role models in place you don't realise what you can do. And it really is all about capacity-building. For a lot of the women who have come to this event so many of them would never have thought they could become an entrepreneur, or that you need 20 years experience to do this, or that I can't be involved in innovation or STEM because I'm not X. It's just the fact that you can see people doing it they're telling you that for you to do it, all you need to do is start - it's just so empowering."
- SARAH AGBOOLA, Foundation For Young Australians, Founder M-Time

"When you're at school and trying to shape your ideas and your thoughtS and make some tertIARy decisions about where you're going to go next, it's a really imporatnt time to have some support and to learn more about the world. So girledworld is unique, it's fantastic and it's just what we need!"


"Very few times have I been as inspired as I was at the Girled World Leadership Summit at held at Melbourne University last month. From lessons by entrepreneurs to workshops and inspirational speakers, Saturday's session was full of young people who grew seeds of ideas into successful businesses, and their stories and their motivations for desiring to take on the task of such great projects. I especially enjoyed the talk from Georgia Beattie - a young woman who had an idea of wine sealed in a cup, and created a product that is now available in large international market, a business worth millions after running for a mere four years. Now running a Start-Up business to assist young people on their own entrepreneurial journeys, Georgia is a huge inspiration for me. Another stand out speaker was Jeanette Cheah, who spoke about the Hacker Exchange, and her experience with the famous Silicon Valley in San Francisco.

The workshops we participated in were also a highlight, where we developed our creative skills, made lifelong friends and learnt the nuts and bolts of how to build a business. All in all, this entrepreneurial summit really taught me new skills and ideas I will cherish, and reminded me about the strength of women in a changing world." - Aahana (Year 10)

"As you walk into the girledworld Summit you are instantly blown away with the sheer energy and excitement in the room. The enthusiasm and passion exerted by the highly successful and motivational speakers is absorbed into every one of the attendees. Sunday's session was motivational, where numerous women (many of whom are working in major companies such as Airbnb and Telstra or have launched their very own start up) talked about the experience they went through and what drove them to become so successful.

Izzi Dymalovski , the 15 year old CEO and founder of LovUrSkin - an all-natural Australian skin care range had to be my favourite speaker, although Lucy Lu cofounder of Airwallex and Aimee Marks cofounder of TOM Organic (an Insta-famous brand well known for their Frank Body Scrub) come in as close second place, Izzi , despite her young age, already has her product on over 500 Priceline stores nationwide. She explained the importance of the product, brand awareness and feedback in the success of a product. By the end of all the presentations, everyone at the event left with a strong desire to start planning for the launch of their very own company." - Sophie (Year 10)

Ms Suzie Hannebery Careers Co-ordinator